CyberSecurity Assessment
When should you care:
You would like to benchmark your level of protection with regards to Cyber Attacks ("CyberSecurity posture")
You would like to make sure that you address the right Cyber Security risks for your Company and at the right level
You wander how much your supply-chain is at risk with regards to Cyber Attacks
You would like to challenge the level of care of your IT partners in terms of CyberSecurity
Determine your strengths and possible improvements
Identify assets that need to be protected
Identify what is already done to protect them
Identify what remains or could be done to enhance such protection
All of this is done with regards to the overall risks that the Company is facing
Comprehensive set of findings on the level of threat of your own Company's assets, your partners', subsidiaries', Joint Ventures', and even potential foreseen M&As' (reducing your supply-chain risk)
​Easy to understand, pragmatic and exhaustive deliverables
All including Observations, Risks and Recommendations
Also including estimations of the complexity to implement and the level of urgency to do so (which helps to build the Action Plan)
In order for you to take action and avoid caveats, we will ensure that we provide you the best possible return on experience and that we consider all your specificities. We may also advise you on the best market players to consider for your projects.
Insights and benchmarks on how your data and services are protected overall
Enhanced contracts